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February 2009March 2009July 2009August 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009 / 6:01 AM
(a) Write out your views on euthanasia. Do you agree with the idea of it and why?
(b) What is the current stand on euthanasia in Singapore? Do you think euthanasia should be practised in Singapore? Why or why not?
(c) Post a link in your blogs on any article on the issue (Anything aside from wikipedia)

Yes I agree on the usage of euthanasia. Although there are many articles and people that says that euthanasia is as if the person is commiting suicide, the person that is utilising it is murdering the person and it is inhumane. However one should not play god and decide how they want that person to die. It is the person's own decision. The way they want to die is in their own hands. It is their own choice. It is a painless death, so the person would not be suffering.

In Singapore it is illegeal to use euthanasia on anyone. Although I support the idea of the usage of euthanasia, I do not think it should be practiced in Singapore. I feel that it would be unstable as many old folks would ask to be euthanised as they have nothing to live for anymore. I doubt so, they could find more things to do in life. However, if euthanasia is to be used only for the sick that really suffer if they live any longer.

Did not refer to any articles or websites.
/ 5:24 AM
'What does it mean to be a Singaporean.'

You may wish to follow the guidelines on this topic:

(a) What does being a Singaporean mean in general?
(b) What does being a Singaporean mean to me?
(c) What can or has Singapore do/done for me?
(d) What can I do for Singapore?
(e) If given the opportunity, would I leave the shores of Singapore in the hope of a better future? Why or why not?

Being a Singaporean in general means you live on the tiny red dot, Singapore which boasts their green community and racial harmony; it also means ERPs, "Kiasuness", Singlish and the Merlion.

Like what I said above on ERPs, "Kiasuness", Singlish and the Merlion. These things are unique and you cannot really find this overseas. Although Singlish and "Kiasuness" are not something to be proud of, but it is still part of me which represents myself as being a Singaporean.

Singapore has done many things not only for me, but us. Because of what our forefathers had done for Singapore, it benefited us. Now, we can get education, better housing and an advance country.

The best that I can do for Singapore is to prove myself by studying to be a useful person in the future. I can help improve the society. I can also play my part as a citizen by practising racial harmony, get along with my friends of different race and promote it to other countries.

To be truthful, yes. Although I might go out of shores to find a better future, Singapore is still my home where I was born at. Where all the culture that had cultivated me to be a better person. I would contribute back to the society as much as I can. Even though I'm overseas, my heart is back at Singapore.
/ 3:03 AM
As requested, these are the guidelines for your second book review:

(a) What is the story about (summarise the story)?
(b) Choose a character from the story and write about him/her.
(c) Why did you choose to read this story?
(d) What have you learnt from this story (your reflections)

The story book that I'm reviewing on is Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows. This story is the last installment of the 7 part series of the Harry Potter books.

A) What is the story about?

The story starts with Voldemort, the evil villian that is instilling fear into the whole wizarding world, looking for the wand-maker, Olivander. He was in search of an Elder wand, the one wand that has godly powers that no one can oppose.

The school term was about to start but Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermonie cannot go back to school, Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Dumbledore, the previous headmaster was murdered by the school's potions master, Snape. A greasy man who once served the Dark Lord. He now runs Hogwarts.

On Harry's birthday, the Minister of Magic, Scrimgeour, brought Dumbledore's will and things that he left behind for Harry and his friends. Harry had the golden snitch that he caught for the first time in his life while playing the Seeker for Gryffindor's Quidditch team. (A game that consists of two teams on broomsticks scoring the most goals into the ring. However, if the snitch was caught first, the team would get 250 points and win the game.) Ron got the Deluminator, the one that Dumbledore used in the first book, Harry Potter and the Socerous Stone. The Deluminator collects any source of light in an area where the user is. Hermonie on the other hand got a children's story book, Tales of the Beedle Bard. There was more than meets the eye in these simple objects.

Harry and his friends are to go on a journey to finish Dumbledore's quest. To destory all Horcruxes. (Objects that holds part of the owner's soul. Once destroyed, that part of the soul would be gone forever.) Harry and Dumbledore had already finish destroying two Horcruxes, Tom Riddle's diary and the ring that Dumbledore found in Tom Riddle's home. Before Dumbledore died they found another Horcrux, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, but it turned out to be a fake. Someone had gotten to it before Harry.

However, after they started their quest, Reita Seeker, a newspaper columnist, gave a preview to her new book on the secret life of Dumbledore. After reading about how she defamed Dumbledore, Harry could not believe how much Dumbledore did not tell him about his life. He felt so used, as if Dumbledore used him for his own purpose.

The Death Eaters, Voldemort's minions, have taken control of the Ministry of Magic. They can write whatever rules and do what they wanted. Currently, Voldemort wanted the wizarding world to be pure blooded and not be tainted by Mudbloods. (Blood of normal humans without magic.) Therefore, he ordered all the Mudbloods to gather and took all their wands away, they did not deserve to use magic. There are also blood traitors, pure bloods who help Mudbloods. For example, the Weasly family. Ron's family.

All in all, Harry found a Horcrux and Ron helped him destroy it. It was the real locket. It was detroyed by the Gryffindor Sword. It was found by Harry while a Sliver patronous doe guided him. Harry was unsure of who the person was that cast that patronous.

Harry also found another Horcrux, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, but it was not destroyed yet.

There was also a tale of the Deathly Hallows. It was a story that was told to all children. It was a tale of three men who were brothers, was about to cross a bridge. They met Death. Death gave them a choice of anything they wanted; the first brother chose a wand that could not be defeated in battle, the second asked for a way to bring back someone from death, and the third selected a cloak that made the wearer invisible to hide from Death himself. Therefore, the Elder wand, the Resurruction Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. Voldemort was seeking the Elder wand. He finally found it in Dumbledore's grave. Harry thought maybe it was the Deathly Hallows versus the Horcruxes. He did not know where the Resurruction Stone was but he definitely had the Invisibility cloak.

He went to Hogsmeade, a village right outside of Hogwarts. Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, provided Hogwarts students a passageway from The Room of Requirement to his bar. When Harry and his friends came to Hogsmeade, the curfew spell was on. Whoever stepped out of their buidling would have to answer to the Death Eaters and Dementors. (Creatures that sucked the happiness out of your soul and could only be scared away by casting a patronous spell.) Death Eaters and Dementors chased after Harry and his friends, but Aberforth saved them.

The final battle was about to begin. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem was destroyed by Crabbe accidentally when he cast a fire spell. Hermonie also destroyed the Cup with the Basilisk fang she got from the Chamber of Secrets.

Harry was left with two more Horcruxes, Nagini (Voldemort's snake) and the last one which he did not know what. He creeped into the Shrieking Shack to slay Nagini but Voldemort had conjoured a spell to protect Nagini as he knew Harry was out to destroy all his Horcruxes and he had better keep Nagini close to him. In the Shrieking Shack, Snape was there. It was said that Snape was the last user of the Elder wand. That is why Voldemort could not unleash the power within the wand unless he killed the previous owner. Then without a word, he killed Snape. After Voldemort left, Snape passed his memories to Harry.

Harry looked through Snape's memory and found out the truth behind it all. Snape and Dumbledore had planned Dumbledore's death and Snape was not a villian at all. He was doing all this for Lily, Harry's mother. Because Harry was her descendant, he vowed to protect him. He also found out that, he was the last Horcrux. He himself. He had to get killed by Voldemort in order to destroy one of the last Horcrux. He told the rest of his friends to kill Nagini no matter what costs it took. He felt that he could trust them to carry that out.

Knowing that you were about to get killed or the feeling or being killed scared Harry. He did not know that it would come to this. Suddenly, his golden snitch opened. The Resurruction Stone was in there. Harry summoned, his father, Lupin, Surius and his mother. They accompanined him to his final moment.

Voldemort killed Harry. He was elated of course, but little did he know that Harry was not totally dead.

In Harry's mind, he had a conversation with Dumbledore. Clearing all his doubts on whatever was on his mind. After that, he came back to life. He did not want to alert Voldemort so he pretended to be dead. Voldemort sent Malfoy's mother to check on him. She helped him say that he was dead cause she only cared for her son.

Voldemort brought Harry's "corpse" to everyone at Hogwarts. Everyone was disraught. Out of anger Neville reached out for the Gryffindor Sword which appeared beside him and aimed for Nagini's head.

This is ultimately the last battle. Voldemort against Harry Potter. Of course, the Elder wand failed Voldemort and he was defeated at last. Everyone rejoiced as the Dark Lord was finally dead.

(b) Choose a character from the story and write about him/her.

Harry Potter. He had survived a killing curse since he was a baby and strive in his teenage years through criticism and fame. He went through near death experiences and with his friends, he was able to go so far to destroy Horcruxes and Voldemort himself. His friendship and bravery is to be admired. We can apply this to life, being courageous in everything you do and going through thick and think with your friends.

(c) Why did you choose to read this story?

My mother came home one day with a stack of books. 4 of them. She asked me to read them. I was only in Primary 3 and i got hooked onto the book. Somewhere around Primary 6, when I was able to read tougher words, I read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Sad to say, after days of reading it, I had to wear glasses because I did not take a break while reading. Well it certainly was worth it as I enjoyed the book as well as the movies that came out. I chose this particular book as this was the final series to the saga and like all the other books, filled with more adventures and magic.

(d) What have you learnt from this story (your reflections)

Like what I said in Part B, friendship and bravery.
Monday, August 3, 2009 / 7:02 AM
DRAFT 3!!!!!!

The trees swayed in symphony with the wind, the sun shining brightly down upon the straw huts. The female villagers were walking back to their huts with heavy pots filled to the brim with water. As they walked, the water would splash against the pot, spilling droplets of water onto the ground. The village was buzzing with activity, groups of women sat together chattering about their usual happenings. Nearby, children were playing with their ball that was almost worn out. This is a peaceful village in Batticaloa, where everyone is free from worries.

The atmosphere was dry and two young girls, who were perspiring profusely, were walking down an unfinished path towards school. Genga, a girl whose hair was tied into pigtails, looked over to her friend Divya.

She told her, “It has always been my dream to go to university to study medicine. I want to be a doctor in the future, to heal the wounded ones.”

“You know you have to study extremely hard to get what you want.” Divya reminded Genga.

Genga stomped her foot and cried,” It’s so unfair! Why can’t we be treated fairly? I want to voice out my thoughts to the government!”

It was this time of the year where the much feared Tamil Tigers would come to the village to recruit young boys and girls into their group. The Tigers went to all huts except one. This hut was simple like everyone else, but the door had marks that looked like it was being carved out by children. There was hope. One of the Tamil Tigers pounded hard onto the door. Genga answered it.

Six months later, the village became chaotic. Crates filled with vegetables and fruits were overturned, inviting unwanted pests. Villagers were fleeing in all directions, often dropping their belongings. They did not bother picking it up as turning back could only mean precious time wasted to escape. The Tamil Tigers were on lorries heading off to the lower part of Sri Lanka, where majority of the Sinhalese lived. Ever since the Sinhalese government rejected our peaceful demands, the Tamil Tigers would not stop terrorising the Sinhalese. Divya ran home immediately from the market after seeing the lorries. She was worried that the Sinhalese army would retaliate and take action against their village. When she reached home, she found her family packing. Without hesitation, she joined in. Whilst packing, her eyes caught a glimpse of a shiny object reflecting the sun’s rays. It was a marble. Her friendship marble she had with Genga. After much thought on how Genga did not tell her anything and not say goodbye, Divya took it with her to remind her of the hate.

A few days later, Genga was on a lorry towards the south-western part of Sri Lanka. The same place where Divya was heading to. Genga was opted to be a suicide bomber. “This is the right thing to do. Justice shall be served. Even though I can’t get into university, at least the rest can. They will benefit from this, generations and generations to come.” Genga thought to herself. She was blinded by success that she did not realise that detonating a bomb would not help much but to create more havoc.

Time crawled pass slowly. The clouds were drifting by care-free, as the cows in the fields were soaking in the sun. Genga and Divya crossed paths. For a moment there, time stopped for the both of them. Starring right into each other’s teary eyes, Genga took the first move and tried to catch up with her to apologise and explain why she had left without a word. Though Divya tried to run away, Genga caught up.

“I’m sorry, for all the things that I’ve done wrong, especially not telling you that I was joining the Tamil Tigers. I’m sorry, really sorry.” Genga apologised tearfully.

Divya wiped Genga’s tears off her rough face and reasoned, “Why? Why didn’t you at least say goodbye?”

“I couldn’t help it. They ordered me to leave,” Genga paused to take a deep breath. ”they didn’t want the whole village to find out. If I was given a chance to turn back time, I wouldn’t even think about joining the Tamil Tigers.”

“Why?”questioned Divya confusingly.

“Because..., I’m a suicide bomber Divya. I’ve got a mission, to blow up this building. There’s no turning back now. I just realised how foolish I was. So selfless. I’m sorry. May we meet in our next lives.” Genga choked herself with her tears and mucus that seemed to be flowing down endlessly.

After hearing what she had to say, Divya decided to forgive her and patch things up. It was too late, Genga had only one more minute to live. She was being controlled by the Tigers. “ Save yourself! Don’t bother about me! Go!” shouted Genga. Divya could not bear to part with her friend, but she did. Then, she left Genga to her fate. Leaving the only memory of her with a tear glistening on her face.

Today, the Tamil Tigers’ leader has been killed and the terrorist group has been disbanded forcefully by the Sinhalese Army. One thing is for sure, the war between the two races has taken many innocent lives.

877 words

Hafiz's Comments:
- Punctuation error "The clouds were drifting by care-free as the cows in the fields were soaking in the sun."
- Not detailed enough.
- Not enough show, not tell.
- Dialouge not supposed to be in the same paragraph
Saturday, July 25, 2009 / 10:35 PM

The story taakes place just before World War 2 in Japan. A little girl named Totto-Chan got expelled from her previous school because she made a din in class. Therefore, she got accepted into a new school called Tomoe Gakuen. The school was not like any other school. This school was unique. They have train carriages as classrooms and library. The headmaster, also known as Mr Kobayashi is unlike other teachers, he teaches things that are not taught in other schools. Their timetable is also unique, they can study whatever that want but, have to finish their quota. They also go for numerous exciting excursions. Everything was fine andd Totto-chan enjoyed her new school until one day, the school got bombed during the war. Though Mr Kobayashi wanted to rebuild Tomoe, it was never achieved.

Well mostly the part that intrigued me is when the headmaster let everyone swim naked together in the school's pool. The reason why he did it also made sense. He said that everyone is equal and must not be ashamed of their bodies. The part that dissapointed me was when Rocky (Totto-chan's dog) almost bit of Totto-chan's ear. It was not really dissapointment but more of "grossed-out". Who knew the dog which Totto-chan loved so much would bit her ear.

I have learn to look forward to school everyday as there are new things to learn and exciting things to do. This can be applied in the future as well. Actually it can be applied to my entire life. Look forward for tomorrow, you will never know what new things it may bring.

Yes, I wholeheartedly reccomend this to my friends. It is interesting to read and there are lessons learnt.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 / 5:40 AM
In July 2009, there was a riot in Xinjiang between Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese, it left 600-800 people dead. The cause of the riot has been building up over the years and the violence took place now on July 2009. It was because of ethnic tensions between the Uighurs and Han Chinese. Government curbs on religion and culture and an influx of migrants who now are the majority in most key citis including Urumpi.

The situation in Xinjiang is terrible and it leaves one feeling in pain and pity. Countries with different races should learn to co-exist with each other and not fight among themselves. They should practice Racial Harmony like us in Singapore. To expand their knowledge on each other races and culture. If not, the government or state official should step in and help cool down the riot.

If this ever happened in Singapore, the first thing that should be done is to enforce a law to ensure that the riot does not get too violent. For example to bring in the army so that the situation will not get out of control. Like previous riots in Singapore, the government can impose a curfew to ensure that no one gets injured. It might affect everyone's daily lives but it helps protect them. We cannot let such things crumble our relation with each other and the nation.
Sunday, July 19, 2009 / 2:49 AM

-British colonised Sri Lanka between 1796 aand 1948. They favoured the Tamils.
-The government in Sri Lanka today is controlled by the Sinhalese.
-They Ceylon Citizenship Act of 1948 granted citizenship only to those whose forefathers were born there.
-Many Indians became stateless.
-Indian Tamils did not have basic rights such as;
-Indian Tamils still contributed significantly to the Sri Lankan economy by working in tea plantations.
- The different races in Sri lanka are not evenly distributed throughout the island.
-Sinhalese peasants were moved from densely populated southwestern and central areas to tamil areas in the north.
-Buddhist monks and the Sinhalese army occupied tamil lands.
-Tamils were not happy.
-Sinhala became the official language of Sri Lanka in 1956.
-Tamils were given 3 years to learn Sinhala or be fired from their jobs.
-Because of that, it was hard for the Tamils to find jobs or get promoted.
-The new University admission criteria was introduced by the government in 1970.
-Tamil students must score higher than the Sinhalese students to get into the same course together.
-There are less tamils entering University because of this requirement.
-Tamils were not happy with the way the government treated them so they had a meeting to discuss the tamil's demands. (Peacefully)
-They were rejected.
-They formed their own group, Liberation of the Tamil Tigers of Eelam (LTTE).
-Began terrorising Sinhalese people.

Main characters : Divya and Genga.

- Genga wants to join the University to be a doctor.
- She was reminded that she had to score higher to get into the University.
- Fustrated, joined the LTTE somewhat forcefully. (Got brainwashed by the LTTE of all the good things she could accomplish)
- Divya held a grudge as Genga didnt tell her anything and left without saying goodbye.
- LTTE was about to attack Sinhalese people in the south.
- Genga was opted to be the Suicide bomber.
-Villagers packed up and prepared to leave for India (Divya included)
- Divya and her family had to go to the south to be able to escape to India.
- She was in a village southwest of Sri Lanka.
- Genga was to bomb that area.
- They met.
- Genga changed her mind and tried to catch up with Divya.
- After hearing what Genga said to her Divya decided to be friends with her again.
- But it was too late, the bomb was being controlled by the LTTE.
- She was left with a minute.
- She shouted at Divya to run away with her family before it was too late.
- Divya couldnt bear to part with her friend.
- In the end she ran away and Genga was left to her fate.
- The story ends with a teardrop on Divya's face.